Submit Project 1
Only 1 Team Member needs to submit project 1.
- Open the Project 1 Design file in Figma.
- Click on the blue Share button in the upper-right.
- In the modal that opens, click Copy link in the bottom-left.
- Open the Week 6 folder in Blackboard
- Click on the Project 1 Submission link.
- Under Comments, paste the URL you copied from Figma.
- Click Submit.
Grading Criteria
Points Possible: 24
I only assess parts of the project that were NOT assignments. Those have already been assessed. The contextual inquiries and peer review are individually assessed; therefore, everyone on the team may have different Project 1 scores.
Competitor Analysis: (Project Discovery Document) Analysis includes 3 websites. The analysis is detailed, related to the user experience, and demonstrate thorough review of website.
(4 pts) -
Persona: (2nd persona in Figma) Captures the character of a user group, including each requirement. Persona does not feel "generic." It is evident substantial time, thought, and some research went into developing a reliable and realistic representation of this key audience segment
(4 pts) -
Card Sort Results & Site Map: Card sort had at least 5 participants. The resulting site map demonstrates a thoughtful review of the card sort results and displays a clear, understandable, and intuitive hierarchy of pages or content.
(4 pts) -
Contextual Inquiry - 1st Website: Contextual inquiry findings are detailed and demonstrate a thorough and comprehensive interview was conducted. Scenario is used to produce a realistic experience for the participant. Real user quotes are documented along with meaningful and insightful experiences witnessed during the interview.
(Individually assessed 4 pts) -
Contextual Inquiry - 2st Website: Contextual inquiry findings are detailed and demonstrate a thorough and comprehensive interview was conducted. Scenario is used to produce a realistic experience for the participant. Real user quotes are documented along with meaningful and insightful experiences witnessed during the interview.
(Individually assessed 4 pts) -
Peer Review Average: Average score of team member's review.
(Individually assessed 4 pts)