Tips from Previous Students
Always ask questions if you're ever confused or stuck, it'll only benefit you. And staying on track or close to the "best by" dates will ensure you don't get overwhelmed or behind.
Stay ahead, it can all catch up very quickly
Start the projects early so you don't have to try to finish them last minute. Don't be afraid to ask questions to your instructor/other students!
If this course is related to your future profession, be diligent and inquisitive. This will help you avoid many design mistakes.
Stick to the plan/ suggested timelines. Have fun! It's challenging but fun to play around in figma and with contrasts!
Play around with figma a lot to get used to the shortcuts and structuring of frames/assets/etc. It is an extremely helpful tool especially while implementing design in html and css!
Read several times if you don't quite understand. Don't give up. The course website is very helpful.
You need to seriously complete the task of page design because it is very interesting and will make you willing to spend a lot of time on making changes or improvements.
Make sure you feel comfortable with HTML and CSS.
Limit yourself to an hour or two on design. Sometimes, you get sucked into the design and forget you have other work to do!
Participate and meet your deadlines.
Approach every project (especially the first and second) like potential portfolio pieces. Be proactive about the group projects, especially the first one. Being a little proactive goes a long way.
Just watch the videos and review the course website and you'll be fine.
Get comfortable with Figma as soon as you can.
Stay ahead of the game, it's a lot more fun and incredibly useful to play around with the assignments. If you do the work early in the week you have a lot more flexibility to engage in the material in a meaningful way.
Stay up on the work and be a good team member.